IoT (Internet of Things) is among emerging technologies that will produce a million new opportunities in the next decade.

IoT has become the focal point of research and innovation as the next frontier to generate economic growth. Societal development requires not only effective and extensive utilization of technologies but also requires that technologies operating on different platforms integrate across various platforms to deliver the maximum impact for the least cost in the shortest time.
In line with the DeitY vision of “To develop connected, secure and smart IoT based systems for our country’s Economy, Society, Environment and global needs”, Bhau Institute is focusing on IOT as one of the main areas for the reasons of:
National Importance
The emerging demand from entrepreneurs and industry
Competencies of COEP
Opportunity to make a significant impact and contribute to the development of this field.
Bhau Institute will try to capitalize on the market forces and work to provide a platform for Indian entrepreneurs and investors focused on innovation and integration in this space.
The Indian Government’s plan of developing 100 smart cities in the country could also lead to a massive and quick expansion of IoT in the country. Pune was already ranked #2 in the recently announced top-20 winning cities and the local municipal corporation has a very active innovation roadmap that will greatly benefit from this incubator.